Exclusive Service
Adult ADHD
Addressing Your Concerns
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), formally known as Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD), is characterized by a persistent pattern of hyperactivity and/or inattentiveness that interferes with development or functioning. In adults ADHD is a contributing factor to poor work performance, difficulty fulfilling social obligations, negative self-image, and sometimes issues with gambling, substance abuse, or overeating. Thought to affect 3-5% of the population, ADHD can be a substantial barrier to living the life you’ve imagined, however people with ADHD can respond in a positive way to treatment through medication and/or psychotherapy. Our approach to clients with ADHD is grounded in the lived experience of the individual because ADHD affects each person in unique ways.
Executive Dysfunction
Many of the day-to-day challenges that people with ADHD face can be understood as issues with executive dysfunction, sometimes called Executive Function Disorder (EFD). The five subdomains of executive function are: time-management, organization, self-restraint, motivation, and emotional regulation. Whether you have been formally diagnosed with ADHD, or you only suspect you might be, we can provide an assessment in order to develop a plan to address the issues of executive dysfunction directly.
Twice Exceptional
Even though ADHD is a lifelong condition, some individuals are not diagnosed until their condition interferes with their functioning. This is commonly the case with intellectually gifted individuals with ADHD, known as “2E” or “twice exceptional,” because their advanced problem-solving skills or ability to perform despite procrastinating can mask underlying challenges that they are having with time-management or feeling overwhelmed. 2E Adults often grow up thinking they are lazy or that they have bad habits, but as the demands of career and family increase they struggle to adapt.